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The Sankey Canal Restoration Society

SCRS News & Events


Come and meet us!


We're always happy to meet up with people interested in the canal and its past and future.


We currently are holding fortnightly meetings.


We also publish any news on our Facebook Group page which you can access by clicking on the link below or by typing in the Society's name on the Facebook search panel.


Sankey Canal Restoration Society Group


Facebook: Sankey Canal Group




SCRS work parties are normally at set times in the month

(but can change due to eg. Bank Holidays, or nature of task).  


We have work parties on the first Sunday of the month,

and mid-week ones on the third Wednesday of the month.



Next Work Party


For further details contact:

Colin Greenall on

Tel: 01744 731746 

Mobile: 07506 936730


Ian Hornby on

Mobile: 07753 289765


The more volunteers we can get, the more we can do!


Further details for each date will be posted here and on our Facebook page nearer the time. 

If you are interested and need more information, then email:

Last updated: 19 Mar 2024

© 2014 - 2024  SCRS Sankey Canal Restoration Society

Based in St Helens UK

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